
Compañeros Scholarship Application

Roberto C. Goizueta, former Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company once remarked, "The cynics will tell you that the good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. I say, do it anyway." In honor of our namesake's legacy and his commitment to service, Goizueta Business School invites Evening MBA applicants to apply to our Compañeros Scholarship, offered in partnership with the Latin American Association. One $10,000 competitive scholarship is available to an admitted Evening MBA candidate demonstrating a commitment to serving the Latinx/Hispanic community.

For scholarship consideration, please submit a 250-word essay on what this quote means to you. You will be notified of the committee decision prior to onboarding.  If you have eligibility and award detail questions, please contact us
Attach Essay
Please attach a doc or pdf version of your essay. Make sure that your name is included in the document.